Payout (Sender as Different Information)

Global and Local Payout

Remit funds to 154 countries with both international and local currencies.



Make a remittance for a third party with your Master or Sub User account but different sender information.

    "extension": null,
    "remittancePurposeFile": null,
    "securityQuestion" : null,
    "securityAnswer" : null,
    "category": "BANK",
    "option": null,
    "sendIncareOf" : "YES",
    "incareOf": {
    "firstName": "Taofik",
    "lastName": "Opeyemi",
    "middleName": null,
    "companyName": null,
    "houseNo": "Apt 20",
    "address": "2336 Giraffe Hill Drive",
    "city": "Dallas",
    "state": "Texas",
    "zipcode": "75204",
    "country": "United State of America",
    "countryCode": "NG",
    "nationality": "American",
    "dateOfBirth": "10-10-1990",
    "companyRegistrationDate": null,
    "identityType": "passport",
    "identityNo": "000000000",
    "identityExpiringDate": "10-10-2018",
    "identityIssuingDate": "10-10-2008",
    "identityFileMain": "",
    "identityFileFlip": null

FieldRequiredData TypeDescription
emailfalseemailSub-User email address (required if the transaction will be initiated by sub user account
beneficiaryIdtrueIntegerID of the beneficiary details to send fund to
debitAmounttruedecimalAmount debited from wallet sending from
debitCurtrueStringWallet to be debited. Length: 3, Currency ISO code i.e_** USD**_.
creditCurtrueStringCurrency of the beneficiary to be credited. Length: 3, Currency ISO code i.e_** USD**_.
narrationtrueStringDescription on reason sending the fund
remittancePurposetrueStringRemittance Id and Remittance Name from Payout Purpose . Example_** "7-BUSINESS"**_
fundSourcetrueStringFund Source Id and Name from Fund Source page. Example_** "7-BUSINESS"**_
remittancePurposeFilefalseString (base64 encoded)Receipt generated for sending the fund, required for some amount of Transaction.
extensionfalseStringExtension file to the base64 encoded file of remittancePurposeFile. It requires when remittancePurposeFile is set.
securityQuestionfalseStringRequires when category INTERAC. No special characters are valid.
securityAnswerfalseStringRequires when category INTERAC. No special character including whitespace is valid.
categorytrueStringCheck Category for list of valid payment categories
optionfalseStringRequired based on category options, check Option page to check list of options.
sendIncareOftrueString"YES" to allow other information as Sender's Information
userTypetrueString"PERSONAL" => Individual Sender, "CORPORATE" for Business Sender
firstNameStringRequired for **PERSONAL **user Type
lastNameStringRequired for **PERSONAL **user Type
middleNamefalseStringOptional | Only supplied for **PERSONAL **user Type.
companyNameStringRequired for **CORPORATE ** user Type.
houseNotrueStringHouse or Office Street number
addresstrueStringHouse or Office Address
citytrueStringHouse or Office City
statetrueStringHouse or Office State/Province
zipcodetrueStringHouse or Office Zip code/Postal
countrytrueStringHouse or Office Residential Country (Full name)
countryCodetrueStringHouse or Office Residential Country Code (ISO 2) i.e_** US**_
nationalityStringRequired for **PERSONAL ** user Type.
dateOfBirthDateRequired for **PERSONAL ** user Type.
companyRegistrationDateDateRequired for **CORPORATE ** user Type.
identityTypetrueStringRequired for Documentation, check Document page to verify required document.
identityNotrueStringDocument Identification Number
identityExpiringDateDateRequired for Document Type PASSPORT, DRIVER LICENSE, RESIDENTIAL PERMIT
identityIssuingDateDateRequired for Document Type PASSPORT, DRIVER LICENSE, RESIDENTIAL PERMIT
identityFileMaintrueURLSingle Page and Front Page of document
identityFileFlipURLSecond page required for DRIVER LICENSE, RESIDENTIAL PERMIT



    "status": true,
    "content": {
        "data": {
            "transId": "blqtrans1709517935",
            "transType": "Remittance",
            "transRef": "blqtrans1709517935",
            "purpose": "Remittance Transaction",
            "desc": "Remittance of 3.00 USD => 3.00 USD, charges => 0.00",
            "fromCur": "USD",
            "toCur": "USD",
            "fromAmount": "3",
            "toAmount": "3",
            "charges": "0",
            "rate": "1",
            "externalType": "Beneficiary",
            "externalName": "Silvergate Bank( Blinqpay Corp - 0058****** )",
            "externalId": 70,
            "partnerAddon": "0",
            "partnerAmountAddon": 0,
            "remittance": null,
            "remittancePurpose": "7-BUSINESS",
            "remittancePurposeFile": null,
            "fundSource": "7-BUSINESS",
            "confirmation": "Payment Confirmed",
            "status": "Pending",
            "created_at": "2024-03-04T02:05:35.000000Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-03-04T02:05:35.000000Z",
            "reason": null,
            "batchReference": null,
            "incareOf": {
                "id": 2,
                "token": "Z5tnKU1e8oHIopdW",
                "user_type": "personal",
                "first_name": "Taofik",
                "last_name": "Opeyemi",
                "middle_name": null,
                "company_name": null,
                "house_no": "Apt 20",
                "address": "2336 Giraffe Hill Drive",
                "city": "Dallas",
                "state": "Texas",
                "zipcode": "75204",
                "country": "United State Of America",
                "country_code": "US",
                "nationality": "American",
                "date_of_birth": "1990-10-10",
                "company_registration_date": null,
                "identity_type": "Passport",
                "identity_no": "000000000",
                "identity_expiring_date": "2018-10-10",
                "identity_issuing_date": "2008-10-10",
                "identity_file_main": "",
                "identity_file_flip": null,
                "deleted_at": null,
                "created_at": "2024-03-04T02:05:35.000000Z",
                "updated_at": "2024-03-04T02:05:35.000000Z"