Payout (Sender as Different Information)
Global and Local Payout
Remit funds to 154 countries with both international and local currencies.
Make a remittance for a third party with your Master or Sub User account but different sender information.
"extension": null,
"remittancePurposeFile": null,
"securityQuestion" : null,
"securityAnswer" : null,
"category": "BANK",
"option": null,
"sendIncareOf" : "YES",
"incareOf": {
"firstName": "Taofik",
"lastName": "Opeyemi",
"middleName": null,
"companyName": null,
"houseNo": "Apt 20",
"address": "2336 Giraffe Hill Drive",
"city": "Dallas",
"state": "Texas",
"zipcode": "75204",
"country": "United State of America",
"countryCode": "NG",
"nationality": "American",
"dateOfBirth": "10-10-1990",
"companyRegistrationDate": null,
"identityType": "passport",
"identityNo": "000000000",
"identityExpiringDate": "10-10-2018",
"identityIssuingDate": "10-10-2008",
"identityFileMain": "",
"identityFileFlip": null
Field | Required | Data Type | Description |
false | Sub-User email address (required if the transaction will be initiated by sub user account | ||
beneficiaryId | true | Integer | ID of the beneficiary details to send fund to |
debitAmount | true | decimal | Amount debited from wallet sending from |
debitCur | true | String | Wallet to be debited. Length: 3, Currency ISO code i.e_** USD**_. |
creditCur | true | String | Currency of the beneficiary to be credited. Length: 3, Currency ISO code i.e_** USD**_. |
narration | true | String | Description on reason sending the fund |
remittancePurpose | true | String | Remittance Id and Remittance Name from Payout Purpose . Example_** "7-BUSINESS"**_ |
fundSource | true | String | Fund Source Id and Name from Fund Source page. Example_** "7-BUSINESS"**_ |
remittancePurposeFile | false | String (base64 encoded) | Receipt generated for sending the fund, required for some amount of Transaction. |
extension | false | String | Extension file to the base64 encoded file of remittancePurposeFile. It requires when remittancePurposeFile is set. |
securityQuestion | false | String | Requires when category INTERAC. No special characters are valid. |
securityAnswer | false | String | Requires when category INTERAC. No special character including whitespace is valid. |
category | true | String | Check Category for list of valid payment categories |
option | false | String | Required based on category options, check Option page to check list of options. |
sendIncareOf | true | String | "YES" to allow other information as Sender's Information |
incareOf | true | array | |
userType | true | String | "PERSONAL" => Individual Sender, "CORPORATE" for Business Sender |
firstName | String | Required for **PERSONAL **user Type | |
lastName | String | Required for **PERSONAL **user Type | |
middleName | false | String | Optional | Only supplied for **PERSONAL **user Type. |
companyName | String | Required for **CORPORATE ** user Type. | |
houseNo | true | String | House or Office Street number |
address | true | String | House or Office Address |
city | true | String | House or Office City |
state | true | String | House or Office State/Province |
zipcode | true | String | House or Office Zip code/Postal |
country | true | String | House or Office Residential Country (Full name) |
countryCode | true | String | House or Office Residential Country Code (ISO 2) i.e_** US**_ |
nationality | String | Required for **PERSONAL ** user Type. | |
dateOfBirth | Date | Required for **PERSONAL ** user Type. | |
companyRegistrationDate | Date | Required for **CORPORATE ** user Type. | |
identityType | true | String | Required for Documentation, check Document page to verify required document. |
identityNo | true | String | Document Identification Number |
identityExpiringDate | Date | Required for Document Type PASSPORT, DRIVER LICENSE, RESIDENTIAL PERMIT | |
identityIssuingDate | Date | Required for Document Type PASSPORT, DRIVER LICENSE, RESIDENTIAL PERMIT | |
identityFileMain | true | URL | Single Page and Front Page of document |
identityFileFlip | URL | Second page required for DRIVER LICENSE, RESIDENTIAL PERMIT | |
"status": true,
"content": {
"data": {
"transId": "blqtrans1709517935",
"transType": "Remittance",
"transRef": "blqtrans1709517935",
"purpose": "Remittance Transaction",
"desc": "Remittance of 3.00 USD => 3.00 USD, charges => 0.00",
"fromCur": "USD",
"toCur": "USD",
"fromAmount": "3",
"toAmount": "3",
"charges": "0",
"rate": "1",
"externalType": "Beneficiary",
"externalName": "Silvergate Bank( Blinqpay Corp - 0058****** )",
"externalId": 70,
"partnerAddon": "0",
"partnerAmountAddon": 0,
"remittance": null,
"remittancePurpose": "7-BUSINESS",
"remittancePurposeFile": null,
"fundSource": "7-BUSINESS",
"confirmation": "Payment Confirmed",
"status": "Pending",
"created_at": "2024-03-04T02:05:35.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2024-03-04T02:05:35.000000Z",
"reason": null,
"batchReference": null,
"incareOf": {
"id": 2,
"token": "Z5tnKU1e8oHIopdW",
"user_type": "personal",
"first_name": "Taofik",
"last_name": "Opeyemi",
"middle_name": null,
"company_name": null,
"house_no": "Apt 20",
"address": "2336 Giraffe Hill Drive",
"city": "Dallas",
"state": "Texas",
"zipcode": "75204",
"country": "United State Of America",
"country_code": "US",
"nationality": "American",
"date_of_birth": "1990-10-10",
"company_registration_date": null,
"identity_type": "Passport",
"identity_no": "000000000",
"identity_expiring_date": "2018-10-10",
"identity_issuing_date": "2008-10-10",
"identity_file_main": "",
"identity_file_flip": null,
"deleted_at": null,
"created_at": "2024-03-04T02:05:35.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2024-03-04T02:05:35.000000Z"
Updated 11 days ago