Transfer (one user to another)

Subuser Internal Transfer

Transfer fund from one user wallet to another user wallet in regards to currency.





You can only supply a Currency ISO Code of 3-character at the currency

    "fromCur" : "NGN",
    "toCur" : "NGN",
    "amount": 10.0,
    "email":"[email protected]",
    "receiver":"[email protected]"
FieldRequiredData TypeDescription
fromCurtrueStringWallet Converting from. Length: 3, Currency ISO code i.e USD
toCurtrueStringWallet Converting to. Length: 3, Currency ISO code i.e NGN
amounttruedecimalAmount to be debited from the fromCur Wallet
emailtrueemailSubuser email Address
receivertrueemailReceiving user register email address



    "status": true,
    "content": {
        "data": [
                "id": 485,
                "transId": "blqtrans1669158528",
                "transType": 5,
                "transRef": "blqtrans1669158528",
                "purpose": "Internal Transfer",
                "desc": " ",
                "fromCur": "NGN",
                "toCur": "NGN",
                "fromAmount": "10",
                "toAmount": "10",
                "charges": "0",
                "rate": "1",
                "externalType": "Sender",
                "externalName": "Akinpelu Taofik",
                "externalId": 1,
                "remittance": "",
                "remittancePurpose": "",
                "remittancePurposeFile": "",
                "fundSource": "",
                "confirmation": 1,
                "status": 1,
                "created_at": "2022-11-22T23:08:51.000000Z",
                "updated_at": "2022-11-22T23:08:51.000000Z",
                "reason": null,
                "batchReference": null