Client KYC (Individual User)

Client KYC (Individual sub-user)

Upload verification documents for users.

Possible Identity Type

Identity TypeCountrySides
NIN CARDninNigeriaBoth
Driver Licensedriver-licenseAll CountriesBoth
International PassportpassportAll CountriesData Page
National IDnational-idAll CountriesBoth
Voter's Cardvoters-cardNigeriaBoth
Resident Permitresidence-permitAll CountriesBoth

Required Proof of Residency

Types of Document Required
Utility Bill, Statement of Account, Phone Bill, Proof of Account Ownership.



    "email" : "[email protected]",
    "identity" : {
        "frontPage" : "",
        "backPage" : "",
        "idNumber" : "B0000000",
        "issueDate" : "",
        "expiryDate" : "",
        "identityType" : "driver-license"
    "proofOfResidency" : ""
FieldRequiredData TypeDescription
emailtrueemailSub User Email Address
frontPagetrueurlLink to the file front page
backPage-urlLink to the back page of the file (read more)
idNumbertrueStringIdentity Number
issueDatetrueDateDate Issued as it on document
expiryDatetrueDateDate expired as it on document
identityTypetrueStringCheck for more info
proofOfResidencytrueurlLink to the file



    "status": true,
    "content": {
        "data": {
            "kycStatus": false,
            "kycList": [
                    "file": "",
                    "fileDesc": null,
                    "fileId": null,
                    "returnedPhoto": null,
                    "returnedDoc": null,
                    "verifyStatus": 0,
                    "verifyResponses": null,
                    "status": 0,
                    "fileIssueDate": null,
                    "fileExpiryDate": null,
                    "created_at": "2023-02-27T19:41:37.000000Z",
                    "updated_at": "2023-02-27T19:41:37.000000Z"
                    "file": "|",
                    "fileDesc": "driver-license",
                    "fileId": "B0000000",
                    "returnedPhoto": null,
                    "returnedDoc": null,
                    "verifyStatus": 0,
                    "verifyResponses": "",
                    "status": 0,
                    "fileIssueDate": null,
                    "fileExpiryDate": null,
                    "created_at": "2023-02-27T19:41:39.000000Z",
                    "updated_at": "2023-02-27T19:41:39.000000Z"